Miami, a coastal metropolis, beaches, some of the most unique architecture in the world, art on every wall, and Cuban food that will make you want to pack up a UHaul and move in after only one bite. Miami is also home to some of the world's greatest homes, apartments, and penthouses. There is a certain undeniable aesthetic to Miami penthouses, and it all starts with the art on display.

We’ll get to the art in a second, but first let’s talk about these stunning condos. You know the ones, with high ceilings, open spaces, white walls, big windows, and fine details. Oh and of course the ocean views from high above the clouds. With an established aesthetic, the difference maker to create a unique living space comes from the interior design. More and more interior designers are trending towards making art the center piece for the home decor ideas.

How do these sprawling Miami penthouses become the stunning luxury homes they are? Interior design of course! Every great interior designer will tell you that the best way to start is to pick a category for your living space and design from there. When it comes to a massive space like a luxury Miami penthouse, many start with a theme or a color. Others start with a centerpiece like a sculpture or abstract artwork.

Here at Karo Studios, we’ve been making collectors houses feel like homes with our signature glass and metal wall sculptures for over a decade. Our now iconic “Glass Grids” series has been taking center stage in luxury Miami homes and penthouses since we opened our studio doors.

In a city like Miami where the heat is always on, temperature can also play a big part in designing your dream luxury penthouse. Having a cool and refreshing artwork on display can help alleviate some of that humid Miami weather. That’s where an iconic Karo Studios glass and wall sculpture - ARCTIC comes in. Counteract those warm South Beach winds, with the cool and crisp colors of ARCTIC.

ARCTIC - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

ARCTIC - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

How about bringing the feeling of water into your home so you can have an ocean view out the window and inside? COAST 2 COAST is the perfect metal and glass sculpture to highlight the importance of the ocean in Miami. Let the light bounce across the glass tiles, or move alongside this glass and metal wall sculpture and you will feel the undulation of the sea from coast to coast.

COAST 2 COAST - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

COAST 2 COAST - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

Maybe the arctic isn’t the exact cool and crisp experience you’re looking to bring into your home? Karo Studios Glass Grids collection, features an exceptional glass and metal wall sculpture. Formed from a direct encounter with the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps - GLACIAL brings a unique sense of cool and crisp blues, with verticality to match the unrivaled peaks of the most-photographed mountain in the world.

GLACIAL - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

GLACIAL - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

A space that often gets neglected when interiors are getting designed is the bathroom. Imagine getting into the bathtub with your glass of wine, maybe a good book, and the perfect amount of bubbles. As you lean your head back and relax, you realize that you're in the most boring room in the world. An all white bathroom. Let’s awaken this bath(room), with an abstract wall sculpture that will keep you relaxed, and inspired: CORAL by Karo Studios

CORAL - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

CORAL - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

We talked about themes and colors earlier, let’s explore creating a theme through color. Our metal glass grids with an accent color can create a unique experience in any space, but can shine in a luxury penthouse. Especially in a city well known for its art scene like Miami. Enjoy the pops of color in Playtime, Four Seasons, Geodesic, and Elevate. Art Basel happens once a year, but these iconic glass grids will greet you in your home each day. Each of these glass and metal abstract wall sculptures draw your attention in and reveal a new experience with every viewing.

Miami is home to hundreds and thousands of luxury penthouses, and it’s also home to dozens of Karo Studios glass and metal wall sculptures from Glass Grids to Accent Pieces to the Photo Series. Karo Studios is proud to be the center of our collectors homes or a part of their art collection. Whether you’re looking to upgrade the decor of your home or you're moving into a new luxury home, Karo Studios has the right glass and metal wall sculpture for you. Contact us today to find the right art for your penthouse, home, business, or collection.

AuthorKaro Martirosyan

2020 has been a unique year. For someone that loves to travel, it has been a truly interesting experience. I travel several times a year and my travels are where I find inspiration for my wall sculptures. Each trip I take revitalizes my view of the world, shifts my perspectives, and stimulates my art practice. I wanted to highlight a few of Karo Studios Glass and Metal wall sculptures that were directly inspired by my travels. In a time when travel is limited, I hope these wall sculptures inspire and act as a portal for the trips you want to take and something is sparked inside you. Allow each of the glass and metal wall sculptures to transport you to the places you want to go.

Sedona / Arizona

SEDONA - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

SEDONA - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

Sedona is famous for its Red RockS. Underneath it all is a heart. The heart of the land. Creating what are referred to as Vortex sites that are said to heal people. Sedona, was inspired by the land and it’s fabled history. The intertwined shades of red and orange reflect on Sedona, Arizona’s limitless landscape and heartbeat. Whether you’ve driven through the Southwest or taken a trip to the Grand Canyon, you’ve experienced the reds that can’t be replicated. Sedona is my homage to the beauty and power of the Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Coast 2 Coast / Hawaii & The Maldives

COAST 2 COAST - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

COAST 2 COAST - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

Creating Coast 2 Cost was the combination of two trips. Two separate adventures - one to the Maldives and one to Hawaii. As I stood at the waterfront in Hawaii I was mesmerized by the ocean waves, unsurprisingly this same feeling washed over me as I stood on the beach of the Maldives. These moments both connected into one by the water. Two coasts connected by the vast expanse of water. Different oceans, different hemispheres, different countries - the same feeling.

The sway of the sea has always fascinated me. Shallow water, turns deep, back to shallow, and on and on. Ultimately, wherever you are in the world, you’re connected to everyone, albeit with a little bit of open water in the way. The waves, the depth, the color, the mysteries, all of these come together in the undulating composition of “Coast 2 Coast”. Let the light bounce across the glass tiles, or move alongside this glass and metal wall sculpture and you will feel the undulation of the sea from coast to coast.

Next time you’re by the water, I hope you thinking about the true interconnectedness of our worlds water. It can be a connective tissue during these unprecedented times.

Cascade / Victoria Falls

CASCADE - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

CASCADE - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

Inspired by the world renowned Victoria Falls in Zambia, “Cascade” is a piece that was born out of pure awe. As it’s happened many times before, I was standing in front of nature in its full power, full beauty. Victoria Falls is the world’s largest waterfall, and one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Cascade is a glass and metal wall sculpture that pays homage to the seemingly endless falling water of Victoria Falls. When travel opens back up I highly encourage a trip to Victoria Falls - it’s a true wonder.

Waldorf / Los Angeles

WALDORF - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

WALDORF - Glass and Metal Wall Sculpture by Karo Studios

I live in Los Angeles so this isn’t technically a trip for me, but it does represent one of my favorite parts of travel - the luxury. And there is no better representation of that across the world than the Waldorf Astoria. A luxury hotel icon. Installing this commissioned wall sculpture was like a homecoming for me and my art. How many people have traveled to Los Angeles and stayed at the Waldorf Astoria. To me it ties the biggest themes of Karo Studios together: Art, Luxury, Travel, Design, and Architecture…

One of the highlights of my career was being commissioned by the Waldorf Astoria, Beverly Hills. A prestigious institution in Los Angeles and across the globe, the Waldorf Astoria presented a unique and welcomed opportunity to create something truly special. It was an honor to bring the Karo Studios signature glass and metal wall sculpture to the Waldorf Astoria, Beverly Hills. I hope each visitor to the hotel gets to experience my artwork, and it makes their already special stay, a little more memorable.

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.
— Anonymous
AuthorKaro Martirosyan

Years of scientific research have shown that creative activities are some of the most fundamental building blocks of a child’s development. Through the exposure to arts and music, children are taught new skills that can attribute to their success as they grow and mature. So how can these be the programs affected the most due to budget cuts in our educational system? The problem is that the focus has now shifted more towards common core subjects of reading and math and the arts has began to be considered as a luxury.

To create a visual sensation, there must be a strong connection between one’s mind, hands and eyes. Learning how to hold a paintbrush and navigating through a piece of paper with a crayon help develop these fine motor skills in children at a young age. Drawing and sculpting also enhance the child’s spatial recognition skills. Children take in visual information far before they can read and speak, and drawing can be a huge advocate in that style of communication.

Research also shows that exposure to the arts strengthens problem-solving and creative thinking skills. As you create, you are forced to make decision on composition, color, texture and many others. These subtle queues strengthen the brains ability to make decisions, which can then apply to other aspects of life. All of these benefits also contribute to the overall academic success of the child.

Even with all of this proven research, how can we deprive children of a curriculum that is so essential to their development? Unfortunately, the ones that are affected the most are those in low income neighborhoods, and they are perhaps the ones that need it even more. The common core subjects need to be given heavier importance, however we cannot eliminate the arts due to the fact that there is not enough funding. True innovation comes from creative thinking without boundaries, so how can we as a society stand around and watch as these programs become scarcer in our educational system?  

AuthorKaro Martirosyan

When most people think of an architect, they just think of someone who designs homes and other types of structures. As this may be true, architecture is so much more than just a pretty aesthetic presentation. It encompasses, yet far surpasses simple elements of design as it factors in human behavior, economics, geography and many other crucial challenges. All of these elements combine to create a functional form.

I like to think of architecture as a problem solving tool. When a client approaches you and presents you with a site to design on, they are ultimately presenting you with a set of challenges that you as an architect need to overcome. The site for instance requires a certain amount of occupancy, needs to meet a specific budget, has to work with the surrounding environment, and has to be completed by a set date. These, along with many other criteria are all things that the architect needs to think about simultaneously.

The many years of schooling and practical experience ultimately trains the architect’s brain to be able to process all of this data and dissect it into much smaller and easily digestible fragments.  Without this ability, it will be sheer chaos as there are way too many factors to keep track of. As the experience of the architect grows, so does his ability to be manage all of these factors in a somewhat auto-pilot fashion. He no longer is waiting for one thing to complete in order to move onto the next, and can start multitasking different projects into his daily workflow.

This ability to dissect a problem into smaller fragments allows the architect to come up with a plan of action. If at any point the architect chooses to abandon their career for something else, these skills are essential and can easily carry over.  The ability to systematically break down large scale problems into smaller fragments is an extremely valuable skill desirable in any industry. So next time there is a large problem you need to overcome, make sure you have an architect as a friend.

STEP 2.jpg
AuthorKaro Martirosyan

My addiction to travel can be traced back to the year I lived abroad during college, studying architecture in Florence, Italy. It was neither a planned experience nor part of an elaborate master plan. It was more about a friend encouraging me to join him on what turned out to be a wild adventure, and arguably one of the best years of my life. The year before, I was studying the relevance of these historic buildings in my architectural history courses, and here I was now inside them, breathing the same air as their creators. 

My new apartment was a relic overlooking the cathedral of Florence where centuries before, Brunaleschi had created the use of perspective in drawings while designing its breath taking dome. Two buildings down was the house where Machiavelli wrote The Prince. Every day, I felt like I was living in a dream, as I wondered around the streets trying to take everything in, making the everyday tourists look like native Florentines. I spent that year not only exploring Florence but pretty much all of Europe.  This experience opened my eyes to the world forever.

As I sit down to design a new piece, I tap into these neural pathways that were created during my overwhelming exposure to arts and culture while abroad. Even though I did not feel anything mentally happening at the time, the residue of the experience has carried with me until today. However, physically transporting yourself from one location to another will not enhance anything. It is the submersion of oneself within the day to day lives of the locals that will allow you to see things differently. This type of travel is a commitment that cannot be taken lightly, however, if executed properly, moments of creative joy can be the reward.

View of the Florence Duomo from Piazza Michelangelo 

View of the Florence Duomo from Piazza Michelangelo 

AuthorKaro Martirosyan